The second episode of the Entrepreneur Spotlight section in features Mr. Daniel Jacob and Mr. Vishal Nair. They were natural choices for the December issue considering that t’is the season of love, joy, hope and giving.
Mr. Daniel Jacob kicks off the video after the opener with his “Love Walk” project. It was something that resonated with so many viewers who had seen that video, inspiring them to adopt and execute their own versions of it in their neighborhoods. The link to the ‘Love Walk’ is included at the end of this article. Daniel believes in finding time outside of his day job to find resources to give those who need it more badly than we do. Once people noticed Daniel’s mission, many were moved and prompted to offer help monetarily and more. Daniel is convinced the world is filled with way more good people than evil. Interestingly, Daniel and his wife Preethi were both invited to be TEDx speakers on separate occasions on the topic they are both so passionate about, love.
Mr. Vishal Nair joined Karunya as a teaching assistant and then went on to do his M.Tech full-time along with the teaching responsibilities which was an exception. Vishal talks about a two week faculty development workshop on entrepreneurship for which he was among the 24 candidates selected all over India. Upon completion of that workshop course, says Vishal, he grew restless knowing the only way for our country to grow out of its wealth inequality and poverty crisis is through entrepreneurship and innovation.
Daniel seconds that perspective and calls today’s entrepreneurs as the new age freedom fighters fighting the nation’s problem of unemployment. That phrase makes a very strong and powerful visual. Daniel speaks of social entrepreneurship and it is something that is close to his heart. He has started about 156 businesses to date and is on several boards and teaches as well.
Vishal subscribes to the philosophy that entrepreneurship at its core is not about making money or profit but about creating value in the society and solving problems for humanity and then getting paid for it. It’s a mindset where you put people before profit. He goes on to give the example of Dr. Varughese Kurien, founder of Amul, social entrepreneur and father of the white revolution. Vishal currently has an e-commerce portal and media consultancy producing content for the Tamil Nadu government.
We close the panel talk with the question “Is entrepreneurship for everyone?” Vishal and Daniel take somewhat different stances on their responses to this question. You have to listen to find out their individual takes. But the unifying message however is that you will continue to give once you realize the value you create through your simple deeds.
Both Daniel and Vishal are working on some very exciting projects constantly expanding their network and businesses, constantly generating value in the society and spreading kindness, compassion and love in the world. There are many great references mentioned in the panel discussion, which you can find below as links for any of you who may choose to follow up on them or contact them directly. Please be sure to offer feedback in the comments section of the videos so we can continue to keep improving your experience and the level of value delivered.
Reference Links
Daniel Jacob
TEDx talk…
Preethi and Daniel in Lead Talks:…
Website –
WhatsApp number – 9840934257
Vishal Nair
Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute of Tamil Nadu
Startup website
E-Commerce portal to sell customized Christian themed T-Shirts(updated every day)