Oh dear, are you shedding your precious tears? Your tears are a treasure! The world may not value your tears of mourning and weeping, but every drop of your tear is precisely counted and preciously bottled by your affectionate and caring Heavenly Father. Aren’t your tears so valuable? So, therefore, remember that there’s always someone to catch hold of your tears every time you let them drop down!
“She has sorrow, pain, and pressure,
Her life holds them assured;
Though her secret tears are an enclosure,
He bottles them measured,
‘Cause to Him, her tears are so treasured!
His answer to her every tear is sure!!”
You’re a woman; you ought to be sensitive to every small issue and situation around you. You think much about your problems and get hurt by them very often. Your heart is very feeble, letting your tears roll down your cheeks.
When you forget that there’s your loving Father, who’s very much concerned about you and your future, you may have to carry a heart full of pain. But when you realize you can let down your heavy heart and break down into tears at His feet, something that’s assured is, ‘You will break forth with joy and be led forward with peace!!’
Every disappointment, loss, rejection, failure, confusion, trial, temptation, fear (fear of the future), and wrongful accusation may not seem big to your friend, but there’s someone looking into your weeping heart, waiting to share your yoke with Him. So, just let them down.
Yes, your loving Father Jesus sees the secret tears that your heart sheds. He is going to reward you openly! Your unfortunate seasons in life have gained you fortunate tears! So never feel that it has been a life of tears for you until now.
Tears—a blessing in disguise!
You are shedding tears for a reason;
This may be for a season.
If you think there’s no expiration,
Good news: Your season of tears is coming to a conclusion!
Remember the sinless Body which was slain,
With blame on the Cross;
He bore all of your grief and pain
And traded them for joy and gain!
Do you still have to cry over your past,
When your sorrow has passed,
And a new chapter of laughter has begun!
Weeping lasts for a night; joy comes in the morning! (Psalm 30:5)
Tear—a true treasure!